賞味期間:2007.02.15.- 2007.02.25.
背景音樂:Unbreak My Heart
演唱:Toni Braxton
這是今晚在餐廳用餐時聽到的歌曲,好久沒聽到這首歌了,其實我並不特別喜歡這首歌,應該說以前不曾對這首歌曲著迷,也從沒想過要挑它當背景音樂,不過今晚聽到,覺得它很適合安靜的夜晚,聽來格外動人,想說就換上這首Un-break My Heart當背景音樂。今晚是我找了馬戲團的夥伴一起吃晚餐,這個小朋友滿可愛的,雖然他聽我抱怨跳火圈的無力,而且聽我說心情鬱悶,卻很識相的沒有繼續追問,還很貼心的轉移話題,說些我有興趣的事讓我開心。謝謝你啊!實在很感謝你,在我搭上捷運之前丟下一句話:「謝謝你陪我吃飯啊!」,這有我滿心的感謝,真的謝謝你了。
Don't leave me in all this pain 
Don't leave me out in the rain 
Come back and bring back my smile 
Come and take these tears away 
I need your arms to hold me now 
The nights are so unkind 
Bring back those nights when I held you beside me 

Unbreak my heart 
Say you'll love me again 
Undo this hurt you caused 
When you walked out the door 
And walked out of my life 
Un-cry these tears 
I cried so many nights 
Un-break my heart, my heart 

Take back that sad word good-bye 
Bring back the joy to my life 
Don't leave me here with these tears 
Come and kiss this pain away 
I can't forget the day you left 
Time is so unkind 
And life is so cruel without you here beside me 

Don't leave me in all this pain 
Don't leave me out in the rain 
Bring back the nights when I held you beside me 

Un-break my heart 
Come back and say you love me 
Un-break my heart, Sweet darling
Without you I just can't go on, Can't go on

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