賞味期間:2006.05.24.- 2006.05.27.
背景音樂:Only An Ocean Away
演唱:Sarah Brightman
通常我喜歡一首歌,大多是旋律引起我的注意,但是這首歌很不一樣,N年前第一次聽到這首緩版的歌曲,Sarah Brightman(莎拉布萊曼)清楚的咬字,尤其在副歌的部分,很容易讓人聽懂她唱些什麼,因為歌詞感動了我,隔天我就跑去唱片行把CD敗回家了。
其實Sarah Brightman趨近空靈的音色和唱腔,一向不是我欣賞的類型,不過一提到她,還是讓我忍不住想起今年在國家劇院上演的音樂劇"歌劇魅影",因為我買不到票,結果沒能欣賞到期待已久的表演,感覺有些遺憾,只好以來臺灣表演的演員,不是最頂尖的來安慰自己,希望以後有機會,再出國去看"歌劇魅影"囉!記得當時我跟我的好兄弟聊天,說到音樂劇的票只剩下輪椅票,我的好兄弟開玩笑說,他要助我一臂之力,砍斷我的腳讓我坐輪椅去看表演(Sorry~我們知道不應該亂開玩笑,這樣對行動不方便的殘障朋友們非常不禮貌,但是我們完全沒有惡意的),而我的好兄弟,還將這段對話記錄在他的網誌裡面。要說好笑的應該是後續,有一回我的好兄弟說到有人搜尋"歌劇魅影"才連結到他的分享空間,我一聽馬上笑翻了,我們一致認為看到那篇網誌的人,肯定滿臉黑線,因為網誌內容完全與歌劇魅影無關,只是二個無聊人的對話紀錄。
I see a shadow every day and night
I walk a hundred streets of neon lights
Only when I'm crying
Can you hear me crying
So many times you always wanted more
Chasing illusions that you're longing for
Wish I wasn't crying
Can you hear me crying

(*)There's an ocean between us
You know where to find me
You reach out and touch me
I feel you in my own heart
More than a lifetime
Still goes on forever
But it helps to remember
You're only an ocean away

Was there a moment when I felt no pain
I want to feel it in my life again
Let it be over now
Oh Oh over now
'Cause I remember all the days and nights
We used to walk the streets of neon lights
Oh I want you here with me
Oh be here with me (*)

So many times you always wanted more
Chasing illusions that you're longing for
Wish I wasn't crying
Can you hear me crying

There's an ocean between us
You know where to find me
Just reach out and touch me
I feel you in my own heart
More than a lifetime
It seems like forever
But I'll always remember
You're only an ocean away
Only an ocean away

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