賞味期間:2006.04.30.- 2006.05.04.
背景音樂:You Must Love Me
Madonna 瑪丹娜勇於求新求變,樂於接受挑戰
Andrew Lloyd Webber 安德魯洛伊韋伯
和作詞者Tim Rice 提姆萊斯
也是他們特地為Madonna 量身打造的全新單曲
You Must Love Me 的旋律簡單歌詞簡潔
Where do we go from here
This isn't where we intended to be
We had it all
You believed in me, I believed in you
Certainties disappear
What do we do for our dream to survive
How do we keep all our passions alive
As we used to do
*Deep in my heart
I'm concealing things that I'm longing to say
Scared to confess what I'm feeling
Frightened you'll slip away
You must love me, you must love me
You must love me
Why are you at my side
How can I be any use to you now
Give me a chance, and I'll let you see how
Nothing has changed (*)
This isn't where we intended to be
We had it all
You believed in me, I believed in you
Certainties disappear
What do we do for our dream to survive
How do we keep all our passions alive
As we used to do
*Deep in my heart
I'm concealing things that I'm longing to say
Scared to confess what I'm feeling
Frightened you'll slip away
You must love me, you must love me
You must love me
Why are you at my side
How can I be any use to you now
Give me a chance, and I'll let you see how
Nothing has changed (*)