- May 26 Fri 2006 23:46
LOOK 看電影雜誌
- May 24 Wed 2006 17:48
Only An Ocean Away
賞味期間:2006.05.24.- 2006.05.27.
背景音樂:Only An Ocean Away
演唱:Sarah Brightman
通常我喜歡一首歌,大多是旋律引起我的注意,但是這首歌很不一樣,N年前第一次聽到這首緩版的歌曲,Sarah Brightman(莎拉布萊曼)清楚的咬字,尤其在副歌的部分,很容易讓人聽懂她唱些什麼,因為歌詞感動了我,隔天我就跑去唱片行把CD敗回家了。
其實Sarah Brightman趨近空靈的音色和唱腔,一向不是我欣賞的類型,不過一提到她,還是讓我忍不住想起今年在國家劇院上演的音樂劇"歌劇魅影",因為我買不到票,結果沒能欣賞到期待已久的表演,感覺有些遺憾,只好以來臺灣表演的演員,不是最頂尖的來安慰自己,希望以後有機會,再出國去看"歌劇魅影"囉!記得當時我跟我的好兄弟聊天,說到音樂劇的票只剩下輪椅票,我的好兄弟開玩笑說,他要助我一臂之力,砍斷我的腳讓我坐輪椅去看表演(Sorry~我們知道不應該亂開玩笑,這樣對行動不方便的殘障朋友們非常不禮貌,但是我們完全沒有惡意的),而我的好兄弟,還將這段對話記錄在他的網誌裡面。要說好笑的應該是後續,有一回我的好兄弟說到有人搜尋"歌劇魅影"才連結到他的分享空間,我一聽馬上笑翻了,我們一致認為看到那篇網誌的人,肯定滿臉黑線,因為網誌內容完全與歌劇魅影無關,只是二個無聊人的對話紀錄。
I see a shadow every day and night
I walk a hundred streets of neon lights
Only when I'm crying
Can you hear me crying
So many times you always wanted more
Chasing illusions that you're longing for
Wish I wasn't crying
Can you hear me crying
(*)There's an ocean between us
You know where to find me
You reach out and touch me
I feel you in my own heart
More than a lifetime
Still goes on forever
But it helps to remember
You're only an ocean away
Was there a moment when I felt no pain
I want to feel it in my life again
Let it be over now
Oh Oh over now
'Cause I remember all the days and nights
We used to walk the streets of neon lights
Oh I want you here with me
Oh be here with me (*)
So many times you always wanted more
Chasing illusions that you're longing for
Wish I wasn't crying
Can you hear me crying
There's an ocean between us
You know where to find me
Just reach out and touch me
I feel you in my own heart
More than a lifetime
It seems like forever
But I'll always remember
You're only an ocean away
Only an ocean away
I walk a hundred streets of neon lights
Only when I'm crying
Can you hear me crying
So many times you always wanted more
Chasing illusions that you're longing for
Wish I wasn't crying
Can you hear me crying
(*)There's an ocean between us
You know where to find me
You reach out and touch me
I feel you in my own heart
More than a lifetime
Still goes on forever
But it helps to remember
You're only an ocean away
Was there a moment when I felt no pain
I want to feel it in my life again
Let it be over now
Oh Oh over now
'Cause I remember all the days and nights
We used to walk the streets of neon lights
Oh I want you here with me
Oh be here with me (*)
So many times you always wanted more
Chasing illusions that you're longing for
Wish I wasn't crying
Can you hear me crying
There's an ocean between us
You know where to find me
Just reach out and touch me
I feel you in my own heart
More than a lifetime
It seems like forever
But I'll always remember
You're only an ocean away
Only an ocean away
- May 22 Mon 2006 20:00
The Television
- May 22 Mon 2006 19:58
TV 情報誌
- May 21 Sun 2006 21:38
今天託Lily和Jenny的福,去看了免費的電影「The Da Vinci Code 達文西密碼」,之前我已經先讀過原著小說,書中精采的解密過程,讓我這個一向沒有閱讀習慣的人,都覺得這本書超級好看。當小說決定搬上大銀幕,公佈羅柏蘭登角色是由"Tom Hanks"演出時,讓我更加期待看到這部電影。今天看過電影之後,雖然感覺電影沒有預期中來的好看,不過劇情中規中矩的交代了故事的主題,整體節奏流暢,只是電影似乎沒有小說的緊湊刺激,畢竟要在2個多鐘頭的電影中完全呈現小說的細節,也不是件簡單的事,起碼劇情沒被改編的亂七八糟,算是不錯了啦!看過原著小說的人,應該對劇情沒有太大的驚奇或意外,我想電影好看或不好看,都是個人主觀的認定,倒是我認為這部電影的選角非常成功,主要角色都蠻符合小說人物的特質,只是電影似乎沒有給女主角很大的發揮空間,感覺有些可惜哩!
- May 19 Fri 2006 00:25
酷兒點播機→ キミはともだち/平井堅 ←聽歌啦

「キミはともだち」是最近緯來日本台重播日劇「Wonderful Life(中文片名:人生好棒)」的主題歌,就點播這首歌來應景一下啦!雖然我並不是很喜歡平井堅的嗓音,不過這首歌的歌詞,寫的還真是不錯咧!
(歌曲介紹..資料來源:SONY BMG新力博德曼)繼電影主題曲「輕閉雙眼」後,平井堅在一個月的時間內推出了最新單曲「朋友」,並且再度獲得日本富士電視台青睞,被選為2004年春季日劇「Wonderful Life」(反町隆史.長谷川京子主演)的主題曲。為了描寫劇中主人翁與少年們之間產生的友情、彼此之間互相扶持激勵的過程,以及為了表現劇中角色的自立心與無窮的希望,平井堅特別選擇了以人聲合音的方式來詮釋,並量身訂作這首歌曲「朋友」。
在新曲「朋友」中,平常的BACK TRACK樂器、特殊效果音、STOMP等打擊樂聲音,歌曲中的所有聲音元素,這次都是以他親身的歌喉與肢體做出的效果,除了優美的歌聲外,加上STOMP(腳踏拍子音),SNAP(彈指音),KNOCK(拍胸音)等肢體發聲,成功的嘗試完成了一個人的A CAPELLA(阿卡貝拉)!平井堅以他一個人總共發出了100種不同的聲音。平井堅本人也表達了對這首歌曲的感想:我以友情為主題寫下了這首歌,為了表現人心的溫暖,這首歌當中收錄的所有聲音,都是以我的身體為樂器,發出的聲音編曲而成,希望大家能細細聆聽!
- May 16 Tue 2006 00:24
The Ichiban 日本ORICON一級棒東洋娛樂誌
- May 16 Tue 2006 00:21
- May 15 Mon 2006 23:57
With Or Without You
賞味期間:2006.05.16.- 2006.05.19.
背景音樂:With Or Without You
See the stone set in your eyes
See the thorn twist in your side
I wait for you
Sleight of hand and twist of fate
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait without you
With or without you(x2)
Through the storm we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And I'm waiting for you
See the thorn twist in your side
I wait for you
Sleight of hand and twist of fate
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait without you
With or without you(x2)
Through the storm we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And I'm waiting for you
With or without you
With or without you
I can't live
With or without you
And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
And you give, and you give
And you give yourself away
My hands are tied
My body bruised
she's got me with nothing to win
and nothing left to lose
And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
And you give, and you give
And you give yourself away
My hands are tied
My body bruised
she's got me with nothing to win
and nothing left to lose
- May 13 Sat 2006 23:59